I entreat God for unambiguous clarity of expression, certainty and decision of word, comprehensive attestation to the whole Gospel. And all this not through intellectual calculation and with a mental aim, but in the strength of what is given by God himself, and through inspiration.
- Eberhard Arnold
April 04,2025
- Eberhard Arnold, April 1920 From a letterWe are filled with the faith that the living Spirit of Christ is today causing countless small focal points to arise, where not only community of gathering and building up is to be found, but real community of life and of productive work and vocation.
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To experience the totality of those who believe in Christ as one organism, as one body, as the Body of Christ, is a special experience of faith. With this Body we are indissolubly united; its life is our life, its deficiency is our deficiency, its weakness is our weakness, its strength is our strength.
- Eberhard Arnold
The first steps toward resurrection are taken when believers are no longer concerned with themselves, but turn completely and solely to the great cause of God’s kingdom.
- Eberhard Arnold